


目标肌肉:背阔肌 运动类型:力量 所用器械:徒手/自体重
力学:复合 发力类型: 经验水平:初学者
相关部位:肱二头肌, 背阔肌, 肩膀/三角肌




    The close grip pull up is a variation to the wide grip pull up, just using a closer grip. Grip the pull up bar with an overhand grip and hand about 10-12 inches apart.

    Take your feet off the floor so that you're hanging from the bar. This is the starting position.

    Slowly pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, and then slowly lower yourself all the way down to the starting position.

    Repeat for desired reps.

Pull Up Tips:

    Make sure you use a full range of motion. Pull up until your chin is above the bar, and lower yourself back down until you're almost hanging with your arms straight.

    Control your motion throughout the exercise, and don't let your body drop quickly. Slow and controlled movement will get the best results.